Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 04:30:16 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #282 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Tue, 23 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 282 Today's Topics: (none) (2 msgs) ?Fastest speed on HF/SSB ? ATM over radio... Can packet radio do point-to-multipoint HIGH speed IP? (2 msgs) Clover HF Packet Need 9600 baud mod info for IC271/471 Need Kam+ to HTX-202 Cable Need some help with the design of an Operational Amplifi Packet Cluster on HF Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 for Packet? WANT: Packet Software for KAM Yaesu 2 Meter All-Mode for Sale Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 22 Aug 94 16:32:00 GMT From: Subject: (none) To: SIGNOFF ham-digital ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 94 16:32:00 GMT From: Subject: (none) To: UNSUBSCRIBE ham-digital ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 1994 17:53:46 GMT From:!! Subject: ?Fastest speed on HF/SSB ? To: In article <33725t$>, (GECL) writes: |> |> |> What is the fastest spped of digital transmission on HF/SSB radio ? |> using which protocol and modem ? 750 bps, CLOVER, HAL PCI-4000. -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Library Operations Internet : "Parts 'R Us!" Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 94 11:54:07 CDT From:!swrinde!!!!!!! Subject: ATM over radio... To: I have a few questions concerning digital radio protocols. First, does anyone have any good references for ATM over radio ? Second, does anyone have any good references for general packet radio protocols ? Third, can someone tell me the address of the mobile-ip mailing list ? Thanks, Steve Bush ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 1994 21:46:32 -0400 From:!! Subject: Can packet radio do point-to-multipoint HIGH speed IP? To: I need to send IP packets over the air at high speeds (Ethernet speeds -10Mbps or close). The ketch is I need to use one transmitter to broadcast/reciev from multiple points. As you can see I am new to packet radio so as much detail as possible would be appreciated! - Thanks! please call me at 614-766-7780 so I can call you back (cuz of the lond distance so that we can discuss this application of packet radio. I say once again - I am new to packet radio and I need all the help I can get :)! ------------------------------ Date: 23 Aug 1994 02:21:45 GMT From:! Subject: Can packet radio do point-to-multipoint HIGH speed IP? To: In note <33bkdo$>, (Rumbo!) writes: >I need to send IP packets over the air at high speeds (Ethernet speeds >-10Mbps or close). The ketch is I need to use one transmitter to >broadcast/reciev from multiple points. As you can see I am new to packet >radio so as much detail as possible would be appreciated! Fastest standard I know of is 56Kbps... I don't know of any 10Mbps broadcast equpiment...) >- Thanks! >please call me at 614-766-7780 so I can call you back (cuz of the lond >distance so that we can discuss this application of packet radio. I say >once again - I am new to packet radio and I need all the help I can get :)! > > ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 1994 17:54:49 GMT From:!! Subject: Clover To: In article <3387vm$>, (Patrick Briggs) writes: |> Any Clover users around? |> |> -------------------- |> Patrick R. Briggs |> Yes. -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Library Operations Internet : "Parts 'R Us!" Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 1994 22:52:46 GMT From:!swrinde!!!!!news! Subject: HF Packet To: I am in the process of examining the possibilities of using HF packet to provide communication between my sailboat while at sea and land based e-mail connections. I have been a ham since the late 70's and have been inactive for some time. Suggestions of what kind of gear (HF rig, TNC, computer) would be very helpful. I will most likely be loading the backstay as an antenna. Also, I am trying to decide between Intel based PC's and the Mac portables (something like a 540 active monochrome in the mac line or a 486 33mhz laptop in the intel world). David ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 20:56:55 GMT From:!!eskimo! Subject: Need 9600 baud mod info for IC271/471 To: Steve Diggs ( wrote: : Here you go, Tom. BTW, I am looking for 9k6 mod. info on GE MstrII : crystal controlled rigs, plus the Kenwood TM401 : Regards, : Steve Diggs : East Atlanta LAN Hi Steve, If the Mastr II is one using a PLL exciter (only adjustments are xtal freq, deviation, and an inductor near the back of the board) then all you have to do is inject TX audio right into the audio input pin on the TCXO. If you are building a repeater, you will probably want to modify the PLL so that it runs all the time. If I recall you have to jumper power to the board that is normally switched by the PTT, then use the PTT signal to turn on and off one of the later buffer amps in the exciter. I've done this, but it was about two years ago, and (by the way) the repeater has been running continiously since then. Only troubles are caused by our low-budget startup - we didn't invest in having the TCXO temperature compensated to the crystal, and the repeater is on a 5000' mountain. During the cold weather, it was necessary to send lots of data to the hill (pings) to get the machine warm enough repeat packets decently. We are using the TAPR 9600 modem on this system. If the Mastr II is one of the conventional design exciters, it is probably very similar to the MVP and Exec II mobiles. Our group has modified a whole bunch of MVP's. The TX mod is to apply modulation through a 2.2k resistor directly to the varactor diode on the channel element. This takes up to 6 volts p-p to get proper deviation, so either a buffer amp is needed, or the output buffer on the modem has to be modified. We've done the latter to a number of the TAPR modems. The receive mods can be done two ways. This appears to apply to all the GE Mastr II's, MVP's, and Exec II's, as they use the same board set for the receiver. On the IF/detector board, you can either 1) tap right off the audio out pin of the detector chip, or 2) take the RX audio off of the board output and remove all the caps in the 3-transistor amp stage between the detector chip and output that affect frequency response. The latter is reccomended to give a little more signal level for the modem to work with. Hope that gets you headed in the right direction. 73, Bob -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Donnell, kd7nm Western Washington Amateur IP Address Coordinator (206) 775-3651 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 16:15:22 -0500 From:!! Subject: Need Kam+ to HTX-202 Cable To: Cables can be purchased from Tucker Electronics (1-800-527-4642) for about $15 plus shipping. Dennis/N1RDN ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 21:39:24 -0500 From:! Subject: Need some help with the design of an Operational Amplifi To: Chris, Are you sure that 741 is O.K.? If it is you should measure 0.00 volts accross the input terminals. To clarify what the other respondent said: Connect R1 from ground to the INVERTING INPUT. Connect R2 from the INVERTING INPUT to the OUTPUT. Connect your input signal source to the NON-INVETING INPUT. That's it! If the input goes to -11 volts it means the op-amp isn't in a closed loop and the negative input exceeds the positive by even a few milli-volt Volts!! Good Luck.. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 13:43:33 GMT From:!agate!!!!!!!eff!!concert! Subject: Packet Cluster on HF To: Anyone know of any (preferrably East Coast US) Packet Cluster nodes on HF? Sitting in the middle of Virginia, I have extremely poor Cluster reception on 2 meters. Although I can hear 5-9++ the backbone which runs down the middle of the state only 5 miles from me. Unfortunately the operator won't let anyone "hang" any nodes on it! =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Ned Hamilton NTC Department of Neurosurgery University of Virginia =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 19:19:59 GMT From:!!att-out!nntpa!devildog! Subject: Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 for Packet? To: In <>, (Gary Coffman) writes: >In article aa642@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Gordon Phillips) writes: >> >>1) Is this rather old computer suitable for portable packet? [stuff deleted here] > >Yes indeed. The only problem is the 40 column lines. Most packet is >formatted for a 80 column screen, so lines wrap and make formatted >messages look funny. > An 80 column VT100 emulator does exist. It only shows 40 columns at a time, but it might help you out. It was on one the ftp sites on the Internet as vt100.bas and vt100.doc >>4) the model 100 runs at 300 bps through its internal phone modem, what >> speed can I expect to operate the tnc via the rs232 port? > >The TRS100 will support faster speeds on it's serial port. I don't >recall exactly how fast it will go, I sold mine a while back, but >I'm sure it'll do 9600 and maybe 19.2 kb. > One minor nit here... The TRS-100 and TRS-102 will only print to the screen up to about 400-600 baud. The laptop's serial port will communicate up to 9600 ( or 19200 ) as long as you aren't using the LCD screen. (For example, doing a file transfer with a PC using some terminal program. You download to a file and don't print to the screen hence you can go fast.) The Tandy 200 laptop (with the 16 line screen) can handle up to 1200 baud when writing to the screen. If you try to run the serial port above these rates (while updating the screen) you will either start losing characters or you will see your actual throughput drop to the screen writing speed (depending on flow control). Doug ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 13:47:27 MST From:!primenet!stat! Subject: WANT: Packet Software for KAM To: (Dave Redfearn) writes: > I am looking for a software package for the Kantronicsa KAM which allows > simultaneous connections to the VHF and HF ports ( ie an AMTOR connection on > HF and a packet connection on VHF at the same time). Apparently this requires > the KAM to run in host mode. I also have the newest ROM installed so the KAM > runs GTOR and the program would need to handle that too. > Thanks - Dave. I am running KAGold 9.02; which I have been very happy with, and does everything you ask plus more. david --- Editor, HICNet Medical Newsletter Internet: FAX: +1 (602) 451-1165 Bitnet : ATW1H@ASUACAD ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 09:52:52 -0500 From:!! Subject: Yaesu 2 Meter All-Mode for Sale To: FOR SALE: Yaesu FT-290 RII 2 Meter All-Mode Transceiver - DTMF Microphone - 25 Watt Amplifier - Mobile Mounting Bracket (never installed) This rig is in perfect condition. I purchased it for the Spring VHF Sweeps and have used it about 6 times since then. The receiver section and audio on this rig are excellent, and the SSB is exceptionally sweet. Unfortunately I must part with it for financial reasons. The first $450 takes it away. respond via Email to pete brunelli n1qdq ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 1994 13:58:45 -0400 From:!! To: References <3343hs$>, , dac.neu Subject : Re: HELP..TCP/IP To get into TCP/IP packet, you will need to do the following: 1) Ask hams in your area what TCP/IP stations are operating in your area, and on what frequencies those stations live on; also ask who the IP address coordinator for your area is, and how to contact them; 2) Try to connect via a normal AX.25 connection to those stations. Whichever one you can connect to the easiest is the station you should stick with and remember; 3) Ask your IP coordinator for an IP address based on that IP station your were able to connect to. 4) Grab a copy of NOS (I like JNOS, available via anonymous FTP in, and ask a friend already on TCP/IP for a copy of autoexec.nos, the file which tells your NOS program all the settings it needs to know. 5) If the person who gave you the autoexec.nos file didn't customize it for you, you will need to edit it to add your IP address and hostname. Now, getting back to the KISS thing. Once in KISS mode, if you have a working copy of autoexec.nos, and you start JNOS, you can tell your TNC to go back into AX.25 mode with the command 'param ax0 255' or something similar, depending on your TNC. Or, if you prefer, you can perform an AX.25 from within NOS by typing 'connect ax0 station_you_want' AX0 is the "interface" name, or, simply, tells JNOS what port your TNC is connected to (an alias for the com port). When all else fails, there is a jumper in most TNCs which can disable the battery which keeps your info stored in your TNC's RAM. Once you remove the jumper, you wipe out all the info (parameters) stored in its RAM, and go back to AX.25 mode. From this point, you can perform normal AX.25 communication again. Hope the above helps. 73, Scott -- Scott Ehrlich, Amateur Radio Callsign: wy1z wy1z@ka2jxi.ny [AX.25 Packet] E-mail addresses: [Internet], [TCP/IP Packet] Boston ARC ftp archives: ftp /pub/hamradio Boston ARC Web page: ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #282 ******************************